• Student Organizations

    Schuylkill Technology Center’s students are encouraged to participate in athletics and extra-curricular activities at their home school districts. Students attending STC will have opportunities to develop leadership skills in the career and technical organizations. Each organization fosters leadership, community service, and cooperative interaction among students. Skills competitions, service projects, special events, and social activities are included in the organizations.

    Skills USA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. Skills USA helps each student excel. Skills USA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. It was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America). Skills USA serves as the school’s student government. Stu-dents participate in community service and competitions.

    National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is open to 11th and 12th grade students that meet certain requirements. NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today's highly competitive workplace.
    Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is open to students enrolled in the Marketing pro-gram. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools. Students participate in community service and competitions.

    HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.
    Student Clubs