Career Guidance and Counseling
Schuylkill Technology Center’s School Counselor assists students in becoming successful students in school, at work, and in their community. Individual and group counseling is available to help students plan future employment or higher education. Information concerning educational opportunity (financial aid, scholarships, post-secondary institutions, military opportunities, etc) is available in the guidance office. Students are encouraged to consider careers that are non-traditional to their gender. STC School Counselor coordinates and proctors the National Occupational Competency Institute (NOCTI) exam.
May 5, 2021 Junior Class Meeting with Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Picht-
Co-op and Dual Enrollment
Junior Co-op Dual Enrollment Presentation
December 15, 2021- Junor and Senior Next Step Presentation by Mrs. Picht
Overview of NOCTI, Financial Aid, Dual Enrollment, Scholarships and various other topics