Schuylkill Technology Center’s Emerging Health Professional Program
Schuylkill Technology Center is excited to announce a new opportunity for Schuylkill County youth interested in the medical field. The Emerging Health Professional is a partnership between Penn State Schuylkill, Lehigh Valley Health Network, St Luke's, and other medical facilities. The Emerging Health Professional is a dual-enrollment program that combines skills-based, interactive, and university-level classroom learning with shadowing in the health care setting. The program is designed to prepare students for post-secondary education by offering a college science course.Students spend two half-days a week with Penn State faculty and will spend two half-days a week participating in activities at Lehigh Valley Health Network or other health care facility. Students spend one-half day a week participating in the health curriculum taught by the STC instructor at STC North Campus.
This program is available to seniors only and is limited to 24 participates.
Students who want to apply must:
- Attend a participating Schuylkill County school district
- Be entering their senior year
- Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better
- Have completed one year of high school biology and chemistry with a grade of 3.0 or better
- Have an excellent attendance record
- Have written recommendations from a high school guidance counselor and one chemistry or biology teacher
- Successfully complete an interview
- Tuition: Students are responsible for the cost of all PSU college credits and any additional fees which may include required textbooks, fees, etc. Penn State Schuylkill offers a 50% tuition reduction.
- Transportation: Participants are responsible for their own transportation to all sites, including but not limited to Penn State Schuylkill and within the Schuylkill Health Network.
Program Eligibility
EHP Courses- Dual Enrollment
Penn College NOW courses- these are offered at no cost to the EHP students
Medical Terminology Survey- (MTR 100- 1 credit) Introduction to the basic structures and rules of interpreting medical terminology, designed to develop the ability to read, understand, and write the medical language.
Basics of Medical Terminology-( MTR 104 -3 credits) Foundation for the use of the language of medicine, with emphasis on correct pronunciation and spelling, various word parts, abbreviations and symbols, and terms pertaining to body systems. Etiology, symptomatology, pathology, and diagnostic procedures for identifying various disease processes provide an increased understanding of medically related conditions and procedures.
Penn State Schuylkill (PSU) offers the student a total of eight college credits
Penn State course- these are a requirement of the EHP program and are offered at PSU Schuylkill- there is a cost associated with these classes:
Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (BIO 161- 3 credits)
Human Anatomy and Physiology- Lab 1 (BIO 162- 1 credit)
Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (BIO 163- 3 credits)
Human Anatomy and Physiology 2- Lab (BIO 164- 1 credit)
Emerging Health Professionals students will be exposed to a variety of shadowing, simulation and other educational opportunities with Lehigh Valley Health Network, St. Luke's, and other medical facilities throughout the county. Students will be provided with a number of presentations and experiential learning experiences from masters and doctoral educated staff.
Applications must be submitted to STC. The application deadline is February 26, 2021. Students will be selected for participation by a committee of representatives from the program partners. Students may be asked to participate in a face-to-face interview with the partner representatives. Students will be notified of the status of their application after April 28, 2021.
Application:https://ctcportal.csiu-technology.org/STC/Form/AdminEntry/STCApplication7/unknown/2023-2024/PSU Non-degree Application: https://schuylkill.psu.edu/admissions/dual-enrollment